Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Goddesses Step Out

The Demigoddesses are on break from school this week, so I’m working half days and spending the afternoons with them. Yesterday we had lunch at our favorite Indian restaurant and then, because all three of us had Christmas gift cards that were in serious danger of melting in our hands, hit the malls with a vengeance and a vow to take no prisoners.

How can I express the joy that is after Christmas sales? How can I convey the soul trembling brought on by those magical words, “Take An Additional 30% Off The Clearance Prices”?

My girls, they KNOW how to work a clearance rack. Demi the Younger found an adorable beaded skirt for $2.99 at Herberger’s, and the Elder came out of Old Navy with a sack full of new clothes--and half of her gift cards still untouched.

You have learned your lessons well, grasshoppers.

What could be more fun than tandoori chicken followed by the discovery of $5 hoodies AND being able to buy six of them without subtracting a cent from my own bank balance?

Why, doing it with my best gals, that’s what.

1 comment:

Prego said...

Nothing makes the ladies drool more than a Pavlovian dog like the word "sale."

Kudos on raising sagacious shoppers. What's even more fun is wearing them hot joints to school.